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Promoting a love of reading at Richard Bonington Primary School

At Richard Bonington, we run a range of events and activities to promote a love of reading across the school. Please feel free to take a closer look at our photos and find out more!

Reading buddies

We love to pair up our older children with some of our younger readers! It's a great way of demonstrating that reading can be fun at any age!

Drop everything and read (DEAR)

At Richard Bonington, whenever we get the chance, we love to 'drop everything and read!' The children (and staff!) have the opportunity to kick back, relax and enjoy reading their favourite books and magazines. As you can see from the photos, the children are invited to read in their favourite positions: sitting at the table, leaning of a beanbag or even lying on the carpet!

Kidnap the Parents

Once a half term, the children at Richard Bonington go on a mission to ‘kidnap’ their parents! We invite parents to come into school to take part in these events with their children.

‘Kidnap the Parents’ events provide an exciting opportunity for the children to share their favourite books, comics, magazines, newspapers and stories with a member of their family. Take a look at the slideshows below to see some of our favourite photos from these events.