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Nursery (FS1)

Welcome to FS1!

Please see this short video of our new Nursery environment.

We strive to help each and every child to become an independent, confident, caring individual who is able to reach their full potential in all areas of development. This learning process takes place through a variety of stimulating experiences and activities which build on prior and new learning. We will provide a broad and balanced curriculum which uses a variety of teaching methods. Our curriculum is centred around quality interactions and play, which have a fundamental role in the learning and teaching process. We provide opportunities to explore, experiment, investigate, observe listen and reflect.

Please contact the school office for an application form or download it from here. 


Yearly overview - click here

Nursery Rhymes

Each week we have a different Nursery Rhyme which we sing every day. Open the link to find out which Nursery Rhyme we're singing and join in!

Nursery Rhymes overview

Speech, Language and Communication

Please use these online resources to increase your awareness of SLC development:


We follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics scheme at Richard Bonington and this starts in the second half of the Autumn term for FS1. In the first part of the Autumn term we concentrate on developing children's speaking and listening skills and lay the foundations for learning letter sounds. The emphasis during Phase 1 is to get children attuned to the sounds around them and ready to begin developing oral blending and segmenting skills.

Please see the link below which will show you the 'Pure Sounds' we are teaching for each letter of the alphabet. Please ensure you are using these sounds when helping your child at home.