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Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 pagelaugh 

Badgers - Mr Bown

Foxes - Mrs Challinor (Mon-Weds) & Mrs Birkle (Thurs/Fri)

Mrs Fryer and Mrs Kowtan are our awesome teaching assistants.


  •  We do PE on a Tuesday and Friday (please come dressed for PE).
  • Forest School is on Wednesdays: Foxes: 17/04, 24/04 & 01/05; Badgers 08/05, 15/05 & 22/05 - please come dressed for this.
  • Yr 4 weekly home learning expectations are: Reading with an adult x 3, Times Table Rockstars x 3, Doodlemaths x 3 and learning your spellings for a test every Friday - see below.

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